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St. Pete Dentist Discusses Taking Care Of Sensitive Teeth

Millions worldwide know that having sensitive teeth may make daily living miserable. Due to pain and discomfort, eating or drinking your favorite meals might be uncomfortable with sensitive teeth. You may be confident that your sensitive teeth can be addressed even if you experience discomfort.

This disease’s teeth pain usually starts after ingesting cold liquids, heated or cooled food, or cold air. If the pain becomes unbearable, you should see your dentist right away since it can indicate that your tooth is nerve-related. When the gums begin to pull away from the teeth, sensitive teeth frequently result. The gums shield the teeth’s roots by acting as a blanket of protection. The roots will become exposed as the gums recede and peel away, leaving them without any defense.

Little tubules that connect to the teeth’s nerves directly are found in the exposed root tips. Pain occurs when pressure, heat, or cold factors pass through the tubules and activate the neurons. The gums of those without sensitive teeth will cover the tubules, preventing this occurrence.
Preventing dental discomfort and maintaining healthy gums are the goals here. Your gums will remain healthy if you lessen the force you apply when cleaning your teeth. Most individuals are trained to use much force when brushing their teeth. Although this can clean the teeth, it will also rip the gums, which may cause dental sensitivity. Try using an electric toothbrush like the Sonicare Advanced if you have sensitive teeth.

Even if you might currently have sensitive teeth, there are things you can do to take better care of your gums and teeth. Potassium nitrate, included in several toothpaste products on the market, helps lessen sensitivity-related pain and discomfort. Sensodyne is the recommended toothpaste, even if there are other options. For the simple reason that it targets the tooth’s nerve and ends pain at its source, dentists suggest it as the best.
If the mouthwash contains fluoride, it can also aid with dental sensitivity. Please inquire about his preferred mouthwash with your dentist, as several options are available. Use Scope; it provides you with enough fluoride without any alcohol. When used, Scope won’t burn your mouth as Listerine does. Millions of germs will be killed, leaving your mouth and teeth perfectly clean and giving you a clean sensation.

Using fluoride mouthwash and toothpaste, such as Sensodyne, will slightly improve your teeth and gums. Your sensitivity will start to lessen, providing you with nearly instant comfort. Whenever you brush, make sure you brush lightly; employing force will make your gums recede even more.
If fluoride mouthwash and Sensodyne don’t help, you should consult your dentist about choices. It is best to question your dentist about what would help you since they are the ones who will know. Your dentist is trained to permanently relieve your sensitivity and teach you how to keep it from returning. Many of us struggle with tooth sensitivity, but there are strategies you can use to fight back and stop the pain and discomfort that comes with sensitivity from making your life more difficult than it has to be.

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